The Athlemixx team!
The Athlemixx Team takes first place at the Generali Geneva Marathon in the Marathon Relay by Core Lean Ranking!
“An outstanding performance by every member of the Athlemixx Team”: so much pride and satisfaction was present within the Athlemixx family on May 7, 2023, which saw different teams of runners of all ages and levels compete in Geneva, Switzerland.
A unique determination dictated by the great commitment of our athletes who continue to choose us in their sporting routine and who continue to pursue their vast and complex objectives, succeeding in obtaining ever greater and extraordinary performances and results. A special thanks to Flore Echinard, nutritionist and integral part of the Athlemixx team.
2H’21MIN’41SEC: this is the result of Mesias, Cyril, Julien, Max and Sergio at the Generali Genève Marathon 2023 guaranteeing a real success!
Record beaten!! we will remember in 2022 the 2H’29MIN or 8 minutes less for 2023…