1st Sant’Ambrogio Trophy 2022

A flat course with start and finish in the Ferentino Municipal Stadium: Athlemixx is sponsor of the “1st Sant’Ambrogio Trophy” in Ferentino (FR).

A sporting event held on May 8, ’22 that marked the first edition of a social race-with the support of the Municipality of Ferentino-organized by the Associazione Dilettantistica Runners Team Ferentino, regularly affiliated with AICS.

Strongly desired also by the city’s municipal administration, which recognized the Team’s commitment to bringing back the values of athletics. What was supposed to be a daily Sunday of sports turned into something bigger: a special meeting, not only of sports but also of human socialization, attracting the presence of athletes from all over the Region.

“A wonderful day, a way to start again together, from Ferentino.”

Visit the event’s website